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GEOLOGY HUB Latest Questions


Why does the temperature change faster in some countries? and more

Hi! Im working on a uni project on data journalism. Im trying to study the surface temperature change and extreme weather events. I have some unanswered questions i would like to ask someone who has the knowledge.
my data for extreme events is from em dat
my data for the temperature change is from…/4063314923d74187be9596f10…. (annual estimates of mean surface temperature change measured with respect to a baseline climatology, corresponding to the period 1951-1980.)
Particularly im studying the time period 1972-2022 And the following countries: Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal
My questions are:
  • why is the temperature change rate bigger in Spain? ( Why is the temperature changer faster there? Whats different with spain?)
  • why is the temperature changee slower in greece?
  • on papers ive read about global temperature and extremes correlation, the correlation is obvious. However in the countries i am studying , the correlation of the medians of the two starts after 2010. Why is that? Did something happen in 2010?
i would really appreciate your help. i can’t seem to get an answer anywhere
if you have links i can get the answers of that be equally as good

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