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Geology Quizzes

What is VMS? Assemblages of mostly sulfide minerals that develop on the seafloor at locations of concentrated hydrothermal discharge, relates to a kind of ore deposit that’s mined from existing oceanic crust formed underwater are Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit. ...

Geology 101

Geology 101 is the study of the Earth and its materials, structures, processes, and history. It is a broad field that encompasses many different disciplines, including mineralogy, petrology, paleontology, and geophysics. Geologists study the Earth’s physical features, including its rocks, ...

Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit [Depositional Environment & Mining ]

What is VMS? Assemblages of mostly sulfide minerals that develop on the seafloor at locations of concentrated hydrothermal discharge, relates to a kind of ore deposit that’s mined from existing oceanic crust formed underwater are Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit. ...

Mining Geology Mcqs

What is VMS? Assemblages of mostly sulfide minerals that develop on the seafloor at locations of concentrated hydrothermal discharge, relates to a kind of ore deposit that’s mined from existing oceanic crust formed underwater are Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit. ...

Geology Mcqs with Answers

What is VMS? Assemblages of mostly sulfide minerals that develop on the seafloor at locations of concentrated hydrothermal discharge, relates to a kind of ore deposit that’s mined from existing oceanic crust formed underwater are Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit. ...

Questions about Geology

What is VMS? Assemblages of mostly sulfide minerals that develop on the seafloor at locations of concentrated hydrothermal discharge, relates to a kind of ore deposit that’s mined from existing oceanic crust formed underwater are Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit. ...

Geology MCQs Online

What is VMS? Assemblages of mostly sulfide minerals that develop on the seafloor at locations of concentrated hydrothermal discharge, relates to a kind of ore deposit that’s mined from existing oceanic crust formed underwater are Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit. ...

Geology Online Quizzes Questions and Answers

What is VMS? Assemblages of mostly sulfide minerals that develop on the seafloor at locations of concentrated hydrothermal discharge, relates to a kind of ore deposit that’s mined from existing oceanic crust formed underwater are Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit. ...

Skarn Deposits

Skarn Deposits: Unraveling the Geological Marvel Skarn deposits, also known as skarns, represent a fascinating geological phenomenon formed through the interaction of hot fluids from intrusive igneous bodies with carbonate-rich sedimentary rocks. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various ...

What is Bowen’s series reaction

Bowen’s series reaction is a model that describes the crystallization of minerals from a magma. It was developed by the American petrologist Norman L. Bowen in the early 1900s. According to the Bowen’s series reaction, minerals crystallize from a cooling ...


What the meaning of Bauxite ? Bauxite is the most important aluminum ore. This type of rock consists mainly of the minerals gypsite Al(OH)3, bohemite γ-AlO(OH), anddiaspore α-AlO(OH) in a mixture that usually includes iron oxide goethite,hematite,the clay mineral kaolin, ...

Mississippi Valley-Type (MVT) Deposits

Mississippi Valley-Type (MVT) Deposits: Unveiling the Secrets of Shallow Marine Mineralization Introduction: Mississippi Valley-Type (MVT) deposits stand as unique geological formations, characterized by the accumulation of lead and zinc minerals in shallow marine settings. Named after the prolific occurrences in ...

What is Geology? Defination, Importance, Branches and Facts

What is geology definition? Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, its rocks, minerals, and the processes that shape it. It is a branch of Earth science that focuses on understanding the Earth’s history, structure, and the processes that ...

What tools do Geologists use?

Geologists use a wide range of tools and techniques to study the Earth’s physical properties, composition, and structure. Some of the most common tools used by geologists include: Geologists use a variety of specialized tools and equipment to study and ...

What is Hydrology: The Science of Earth’s Water

What is Hydrology: Hydrology is the scientific study of water and its distribution, movement, and properties on Earth. It plays a crucial role in understanding our planet’s water resources and managing them effectively. In this article, we’ll delve into the ...

What is Cinnabar

✳️Cinnabar is a toxic mercury sulfide mineral with a chemical composition of HgS. 🔷It is the only important ore of mercury. It has a bright red color that has caused people to use it as a pigment, and carve it ...

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