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Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit [Depositional Environment & Mining ]

What is VMS? Assemblages of mostly sulfide minerals that develop on the seafloor at locations of concentrated hydrothermal discharge, relates to a kind of ore deposit that’s mined from existing oceanic crust formed underwater are Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit. ...

Mining Geology Mcqs

Geology MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) online are a great resource for students and professionals to test their knowledge and understanding of various geological concepts. These MCQs cover a wide range of topics in geology such as plate tectonics, rock formation, ...

Geology Quizzes

Geology MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) online are a great resource for students and professionals to test their knowledge and understanding of various geological concepts. These MCQs cover a wide range of topics in geology such as plate tectonics, rock formation, ...

Geology Mcqs with Answers

Geology MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) online are a great resource for students and professionals to test their knowledge and understanding of various geological concepts. These MCQs cover a wide range of topics in geology such as plate tectonics, rock formation, ...

Questions about Geology

Geology MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) online are a great resource for students and professionals to test their knowledge and understanding of various geological concepts. These MCQs cover a wide range of topics in geology such as plate tectonics, rock formation, ...

Geology MCQs Online

Geology MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) online are a great resource for students and professionals to test their knowledge and understanding of various geological concepts. These MCQs cover a wide range of topics in geology such as plate tectonics, rock formation, ...

Geology Online Quizzes Questions and Answers

Geology MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) online are a great resource for students and professionals to test their knowledge and understanding of various geological concepts. These MCQs cover a wide range of topics in geology such as plate tectonics, rock formation, ...

Geology 101

Geology 101 is the study of the Earth and its materials, structures, processes, and history. It is a broad field that encompasses many different disciplines, including mineralogy, petrology, paleontology, and geophysics. Geologists study the Earth’s physical features, including its rocks, ...

All about Metamorphic Rock

Metamorphic rock is a category of rock that undergoes significant changes in its mineral composition and texture during the process of metamorphism. This transformation occurs due to the high pressure and temperature conditions experienced deep within the Earth’s crust. Metamorphic ...

Igneous Rock: A Comprehensive Overview

Igneous rock is a category of rock formed through the cooling and solidification of magma, which is molten rock that originates from the Earth’s mantle. This process, known as igneous differentiation, results in the formation of a wide range of ...

What is lithification Process?

Lithification is the complex process by which loose sediment grains become compacted and transformed into solid rock[1]. This process may occur at the time of sediment deposition or later[1]. The main processes involved in lithification are compaction and cementation[1][2]. Compaction ...

What is Geology? Defination, Importance, Branches and Facts

What is geology definition? Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, its rocks, minerals, and the processes that shape it. It is a branch of Earth science that focuses on understanding the Earth’s history, structure, and the processes that ...

Geology vs Geography

A Comparison of Two Related Fields Geology and geography are two interconnected fields of study that focus on the Earth and its various features. While geology is concerned with the composition, structure, and processes of the Earth, geography is more ...

Geologic Mapping: Guide for Professionals and Students

Geologic mapping is a crucial process in the field of geology, which involves creating a detailed representation of the Earth’s surface based on the study of its rocks, minerals, and physical features. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of ...

All About Igneous Rocks

Unveiling the Mysteries of Igneous Rocks Introduction: Igneous rocks, born from the fiery depths of the Earth, hold a unique place in the geological tapestry. Formed through the solidification of molten magma or lava, these rocks play a pivotal role ...

Astro Geology: Exploring the Geology of Celestial Bodies

Astro geology, also known as planetary geology, is a fascinating field that focuses on the study of the geology of celestial bodies such as planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. This interdisciplinary science combines principles of geology, astronomy, physics, and chemistry ...


Andesite: A Comprehensive Guide Andesite, derived from the Andes Mountains in South America, is an igneous rock that holds a significant place in the geological world. Its composition, formation, and various uses make it a fascinating subject for study. In ...

Mohs Hardness scale

Mohs hardness scale The Mohs hardness scale is a qualitative scale used to measure the scratch resistance of various minerals or materials. It was developed by Friedrich Mohs, a German mineralogist, in 1812. The scale ranges from 1 to 10, ...

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