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GEOLOGY HUB Latest Questions

Geology Hub

What kind of jobs can I get with an applied geology degree?

What kind of jobs can I get with an applied geology degree?

1 Answer

  1. With an applied geology degree, you can pursue various career paths in industries such as environmental consulting, natural resource exploration and extraction, geotechnical engineering, hydrology, and environmental regulation. Specific job titles may include environmental geologist, hydrogeologist,Read more

    With an applied geology degree, you can pursue various career paths in industries such as environmental consulting, natural resource exploration and extraction, geotechnical engineering, hydrology, and environmental regulation. Specific job titles may include environmental geologist, hydrogeologist, engineering geologist, mining geologist, and geophysicist. Additionally, opportunities exist in academia, research institutions, and government agencies. Your skills in analyzing geological data, conducting fieldwork, and understanding earth processes can be valuable in these roles.

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