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GEOLOGY HUB Latest Questions


Why isn't the mantle of the earth molten?

  1. The mantle of the Earth is not entirely molten because of the high pressure that exists in the Earth's interior. While the temperatures in the mantle are high enough to melt rock, the immense pressure from the overlying rock layers prevents the mantle from fully melting. This phenomenon is known asRead more

    The mantle of the Earth is not entirely molten because of the high pressure that exists in the Earth’s interior. While the temperatures in the mantle are high enough to melt rock, the immense pressure from the overlying rock layers prevents the mantle from fully melting. This phenomenon is known as “pressure melting.” As a result, the mantle exists in a semi-solid state, with some regions experiencing partial melting while others remain solid. This unique state of the mantle allows for the movement of solid rock over long periods, contributing to the geological processes that shape the Earth’s surface.

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