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GEOLOGY HUB Latest Questions


What types of minerals make basalt?

  1. Basalt is a volcanic rock that is rich in minerals. It primarily consists of the following minerals:   1. Silicon dioxide (SiO2): This is the most abundant mineral in basalt and gives it its dark gray to black color. 2. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3): This mineral is responsible for basalt's light grayRead more

    Basalt is a volcanic rock that is rich in minerals. It primarily consists of the following minerals:


    1. Silicon dioxide (SiO2): This is the most abundant mineral in basalt and gives it its dark gray to black color.

    2. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3): This mineral is responsible for basalt’s light gray to white color and its vitreous nature.

    3. Iron oxide (FeO): This mineral gives basalt its red color and is present in varying amounts depending on the volcanic process.

    4. Calcium oxide (CaO): This mineral is also present in varying amounts and contributes to the overall composition of basalt.

    5. Magnesium oxide (MgO): This mineral is also found in basalt and plays a role in its composition.

    6. Potassium feldspar (K-feldspar): This mineral is present in trace amounts and contributes to basalt’s vitreous nature.

    7. Orthoclase (K-feldspar): This mineral is present in trace amounts and contributes to basalt’s vitreous nature.


    These minerals are combined in varying proport ions to form basalt, which is a dense, hard, and felsic rock.

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