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GEOLOGY HUB Latest Questions


What is difference between denudation and erosion?

  1. Denudation and erosion are two related but distinct concepts in geology and geomorphology. Denudation refers to the overall process of wearing down and removing the Earth's surface materials, which can be caused by a variety of natural forces, including weathering, erosion, and mass wasting. DenudatRead more

    Denudation and erosion are two related but distinct concepts in geology and geomorphology.

    Denudation refers to the overall process of wearing down and removing the Earth’s surface materials, which can be caused by a variety of natural forces, including weathering, erosion, and mass wasting. Denudation can result in the loss of soil, rock, and other materials from the Earth’s surface, and can lead to changes in the topography and overall landscape.

    Erosion, on the other hand, specifically refers to the physical process of wearing away and removing soil, rock, and other materials from the Earth’s surface by the action of water, wind, or ice. Erosion can be caused by a variety of factors, including rainfall, wind, waves, glaciers, and human activities such as mining and construction.

    So, denudation is a more general term that includes erosion, as well as other processes such as weathering and mass wasting, while erosion specifically refers to the physical process of material removal by water, wind, or ice

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