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GEOLOGY HUB Latest Questions


How fast do tectonic plates move relative to each other (in km/year)?

How fast do tectonic plates move relative to each other (in km/year)?
  1. The movement of tectonic plates is relatively slow, occurring over millions of years. The average rate of movement is estimated to be around 2-15 centimeters per year (cm/year) or approximately 20-150 kilometers per million years (km/Ma). However, the rate of movement can vary depending on the locatRead more

    The movement of tectonic plates is relatively slow, occurring over millions of years. The average rate of movement is estimated to be around 2-15 centimeters per year (cm/year) or approximately 20-150 kilometers per million years (km/Ma). However, the rate of movement can vary depending on the location and type of plate boundary. For example, the rate of movement along the mid-Atlantic Ridge is around 2.5 cm/year, while the rate of movement along the San Andreas Fault in California is around 5 cm/year.

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