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GEOLOGY HUB Latest Questions


'Green' conglomerate rock


would anyone by  chance know what is the conglomerate in the attached picture? Any additional information regarding notable minerals and origin is warmley welcomed.


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Hi, would anyone by  chance know what is the conglomerate in the attached picture? Any additional information regarding notable minerals and origin is warmley welcomed. Regards

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Hi, would anyone by  chance know what is the conglomerate in the attached picture? Any additional information regarding notable minerals and origin is warmley welcomed. Regards

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Hi, would anyone by  chance know what is the conglomerate in the attached picture? Any additional information regarding notable minerals and origin is warmley welcomed. Regards

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Hi, would anyone by  chance know what is the conglomerate in the attached picture? Any additional information regarding notable minerals and origin is warmley welcomed. Regards

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Hi, would anyone by  chance know what is the conglomerate in the attached picture? Any additional information regarding notable minerals and origin is warmley welcomed. Regards

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Hi, would anyone by  chance know what is the conglomerate in the attached picture? Any additional information regarding notable minerals and origin is warmley welcomed. Regards

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