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GEOLOGY HUB Latest Questions

Akua Bempomaa

Geochemistry of soils

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Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit [Depositional Environment & Mining ]

What is VMS? Assemblages of mostly sulfide minerals that develop on the seafloor at locations of concentrated hydrothermal discharge, relates to a kind of ore deposit that’s mined from existing oceanic crust formed underwater are Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit. ...

Mining Geology Mcqs

Geochemistry of soils

Geology Quizzes

Geochemistry of soils

Geology Mcqs with Answers

Geochemistry of soils

Questions about Geology

Geochemistry of soils

Geology MCQs Online

Geochemistry of soils

Geology Online Quizzes Questions and Answers

Geochemistry of soils

Geology 101

Geology 101 is the study of the Earth and its materials, structures, processes, and history. It is a broad field that encompasses many different disciplines, including mineralogy, petrology, paleontology, and geophysics. Geologists study the Earth’s physical features, including its rocks, ...

Epithermal Systems: The Association of Gold Mineralization With Volcanic

Epithermal systems are geological settings where gold mineralization is associated with volcanic activity. These systems are characterized by the following features: Epithermal gold deposits can vary widely in terms of their size and grade, ranging from small, high-grade veins to ...

What is Sulfur, its Properties, Occurrence, and Uses

Sulfur is a chemical element with the symbol S and atomic number 16. It is a non-metal and belongs to the group of chalcogens. Sulfur is an essential element for life and is commonly found in proteins and other biomolecules. ...

What is Geoscience | Importance, Branches

Exploring the World of Geoscience: Branches, Importance, and the Life of a Geoscientist Geoscience is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses the study of Earth’s physical processes, materials, and history. It is the foundation for understanding our planet and its natural ...


Andesite: A Comprehensive Guide Andesite, derived from the Andes Mountains in South America, is an igneous rock that holds a significant place in the geological world. Its composition, formation, and various uses make it a fascinating subject for study. In ...

What is the law of superposition?

The law of superposition is a fundamental principle in geology and archaeology that states that in a sequence of undisturbed sedimentary rocks or archaeological layers, the oldest layers are at the bottom, and the youngest layers are at the top. ...

Geology vs Geography

A Comparison of Two Related Fields Geology and geography are two interconnected fields of study that focus on the Earth and its various features. While geology is concerned with the composition, structure, and processes of the Earth, geography is more ...

What are Non-Metallic Minerals?

Introduction: Non-metallic miner als, also known as non-metals, are a diverse group of elements that do not possess metallic properties. They are soft, brittle, and generally have low melting and boiling points. Non-metallic minerals play a vital role in the ...

What is Dolerite, Properties, and Geological significance

Dolerite is a type of igneous rock that forms through the cooling and solidification of magma. It is a dark-colored rock that typically contains plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene, and amphibole minerals. The name “dolerite” comes from the Greek words “dolos” meaning ...

Coal: Unveiling the Depths of Earth’s Energy Reservoir

Coal, a fossil fuel formed over millions of years, holds a pivotal role in powering civilizations and shaping energy landscapes. This article explores the intricate details of coal, from its formation to the various types that fuel industries worldwide. Formation ...

What is Cinnabar

✳️Cinnabar is a toxic mercury sulfide mineral with a chemical composition of HgS. 🔷It is the only important ore of mercury. It has a bright red color that has caused people to use it as a pigment, and carve it ...

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