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What is Gallena Mineral?


The name of the mineral is derived from the Latin Galena, which is a name given to lead ores. The mineral has a chemical composition of lead sulfide (PbS), where the percentage of lead is 86.6% and sulfur is 13.4%. The mineral crystallizes in the cubic species.

Its atoms are arranged so that each lead atom is surrounded by six sulfur atoms, in the form of an octet, just as each sulfur atom is surrounded by six lead atoms.

It is usually found in the form of cubic crystals that may morph into eight faces, and it is also found in the form of fine or large granules or in the form of lumps. The color of the mineral is grayish-gray.

luster is metallic, streaked leaden,

Hardness = 2,5 – 2,75,

Cubular cleavage {001} The fracture is planar and sometimes conchoidal,

Specific gravity = 7.4 – 7.6 (very heavy).

Galena appears in nature usually accompanied by other minerals such as silver, antimony, copper and zinc, and this increases the importance of galena as its extraction leads to obtaining other valuable minerals.

One of the most important minerals that are usually associated with galena is sphalerite (ZnS), which is found with galena in large quantities that fill cracks and veins in limestone.

Other minerals that accompany galena include pyrite, marcite, chalcopyrite, dolomite, barite, quartz and fluorite.

Galena is found in many parts of the world, especially in America, Burma, Britain, Germany and France.

Galena is considered one of the most important ores of lead, and it is usually associated with silver. Therefore, it is an important ore for silver, and it is one of the most widespread sulphide minerals.

1 Answer

  1. Galena is a mineral with the chemical formula PbS, which stands for lead sulfide. It is a soft, silver-gray mineral that has a metallic luster and a high specific gravity. Galena is the primary ore of lead, and it is one of the most important sources of this metal in the world. Galena is a common miRead more

    Galena is a mineral with the chemical formula PbS, which stands for lead sulfide. It is a soft, silver-gray mineral that has a metallic luster and a high specific gravity. Galena is the primary ore of lead, and it is one of the most important sources of this metal in the world.

    Galena is a common mineral that is found in many different types of rock, including sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. It is often found in veins or as small, isolated crystals in other minerals. Galena typically forms in hydrothermal environments, where it is precipitated from hot, mineral-rich fluids that are rich in lead, sulfur, and other elements.

    Galena is an important ore of lead because it is the most common and abundant lead mineral, and it is relatively easy to extract lead from galena. The lead in galena is present as the metal itself, rather than as a compound, which makes it easier to extract. Galena is also a valuable mineral in its own right, and it is used in a variety of applications, including the production of ceramics, pigments, and fertilizers.

    In addition to its economic importance, galena is also of scientific interest because it is a common mineral that is used to study the geochemistry of lead and sulfur, as well as the conditions under which minerals form in the Earth’s crust

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