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What is difference between granite and basalt

What is difference between basalt and granite?

2 Answers

  1. Differences between basalt and granite Although there are some similarities between basalt and granite, there are also significant differences between these two rock types.   Basalt is volcanic, or extrusive, forming at the surface, while granite is plutonic, or intrusive, forming beneath the sRead more

    Differences between basalt and granite

    Although there are some similarities between basalt and granite, there are also significant differences between these two rock types.


    Basalt is volcanic, or extrusive, forming at the surface, while granite is plutonic, or intrusive, forming beneath the surface.

    Basalt is mafic while granite is felsic

    Basalt is common on both Earth and other Solar System bodies such as the Moon and Mars while granite is only common on Earth and rare elsewhere in the Solar System

    Basalt can form in a few days to months, whereas granite plutons can take millions of years to cool and harden.

    Basalt is more common in oceanic crust while granite is more common in continental crust.

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  2. Igneous rocks are formed by the crystallisation of a magma. The difference between granites and basalts is in silica content and their rates of cooling. A basalt is about 53% SiO2, whereas granite is 73%.

    Igneous rocks are formed by the crystallisation of a magma. The difference between granites and basalts is in silica content and their rates of cooling. A basalt is about 53% SiO2, whereas granite is 73%.

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