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What are the accessory minerals in dolerite?
What are the accessory minerals in dolerite?

1 Answer

  1. In addition to plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene, dolerite may contain a variety of accessory minerals. Some of the most common accessory minerals found in dolerite include: Olivine: This is a green mineral that is common in many types of igneous rocks, including dolerite. It is often found as smallRead more

    In addition to plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene, dolerite may contain a variety of accessory minerals. Some of the most common accessory minerals found in dolerite include:

    Olivine: This is a green mineral that is common in many types of igneous rocks, including dolerite. It is often found as small, rounded crystals.

    Magnetite: This is a black, metallic mineral that is commonly found in dolerite. It is often present in small, rounded grains.

    Ilmenite: This is a dark, metallic mineral that is also commonly found in dolerite. It is often present as small, elongated crystals.

    Apatite: This is a phosphate mineral that is commonly found in igneous rocks. It is often present as small, elongated crystals or as tiny, needle-like crystals.

    Zircon: This is a common accessory mineral in many types of igneous rocks, including dolerite. It is often present as small, rounded crystals.

    Biotite: This is a dark-colored mica mineral that is sometimes present in dolerite. It is often found as small flakes or grains.

    Other possible accessory minerals in dolerite may include hornblende, orthoclase feldspar, quartz, and pyrite, among others. The specific mineral assemblage in a given dolerite sample may depend on factors such as the age of the rock, the location where it was formed, and the cooling history of the magma.

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