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Questions about Geology

Have this rock on my property that seems to be two different rocks fused together. Trying to figure out what it is and how it would be formed. Any info would be great  

Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit [Depositional Environment & Mining ]

What is VMS? Assemblages of mostly sulfide minerals that develop on the seafloor at locations of concentrated hydrothermal discharge, relates to a kind of ore deposit that’s mined from existing oceanic crust formed underwater are Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides (VMS) Deposit. ...

Mining Geology Mcqs

Have this rock on my property that seems to be two different rocks fused together. Trying to figure out what it is and how it would be formed. Any info would be great  

Geology Quizzes

Have this rock on my property that seems to be two different rocks fused together. Trying to figure out what it is and how it would be formed. Any info would be great  

Geology Mcqs with Answers

Have this rock on my property that seems to be two different rocks fused together. Trying to figure out what it is and how it would be formed. Any info would be great  

Geology MCQs Online

Have this rock on my property that seems to be two different rocks fused together. Trying to figure out what it is and how it would be formed. Any info would be great  

Geology Online Quizzes Questions and Answers

Have this rock on my property that seems to be two different rocks fused together. Trying to figure out what it is and how it would be formed. Any info would be great  

Geology 101

Geology 101 is the study of the Earth and its materials, structures, processes, and history. It is a broad field that encompasses many different disciplines, including mineralogy, petrology, paleontology, and geophysics. Geologists study the Earth’s physical features, including its rocks, ...

Placer Deposits: An In-Depth Overview

Placer deposits are natural occurring concentrations of minerals and metals that are found in sedimentary rock formations. These deposits are formed through a series of geological processes that involve the movement, deposition, and alteration of minerals. They are an important ...

What is Ophiolite?

An ophiolite is a section of oceanic crust and upper mantle that has been uplifted and exposed above sea level due to tectonic processes. Ophiolites are important geological features because they provide a window into the Earth’s interior and allow ...

What are Non-Metallic Minerals?

Introduction: Non-metallic miner als, also known as non-metals, are a diverse group of elements that do not possess metallic properties. They are soft, brittle, and generally have low melting and boiling points. Non-metallic minerals play a vital role in the ...


What the meaning of Bauxite ? Bauxite is the most important aluminum ore. This type of rock consists mainly of the minerals gypsite Al(OH)3, bohemite γ-AlO(OH), anddiaspore α-AlO(OH) in a mixture that usually includes iron oxide goethite,hematite,the clay mineral kaolin, ...

Astro Geology: Exploring the Geology of Celestial Bodies

Astro geology, also known as planetary geology, is a fascinating field that focuses on the study of the geology of celestial bodies such as planets, moons, asteroids, and comets. This interdisciplinary science combines principles of geology, astronomy, physics, and chemistry ...

Geologic Mapping: Guide for Professionals and Students

Geologic mapping is a crucial process in the field of geology, which involves creating a detailed representation of the Earth’s surface based on the study of its rocks, minerals, and physical features. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of ...

Marine and Petroleum Geology: Exploring Earth’s Subsurface

Marine and petroleum geology is a field of study that focuses on the exploration and understanding of Earth’s subsurface, particularly in relation to the formation, accumulation, and extraction of petroleum resources in marine environments. This interdisciplinary field combines aspects of ...

Mississippi Valley-Type (MVT) Deposits

Mississippi Valley-Type (MVT) Deposits: Unveiling the Secrets of Shallow Marine Mineralization Introduction: Mississippi Valley-Type (MVT) deposits stand as unique geological formations, characterized by the accumulation of lead and zinc minerals in shallow marine settings. Named after the prolific occurrences in ...

Carbonate Replacement Deposits (CRDs)

Carbonate Replacement Deposits (CRDs): Unraveling Earth’s Subterranean Wealth Carbonate Replacement Deposits (CRDs) represent a fascinating chapter in the geological story, revealing the hidden treasures of valuable metals beneath the Earth’s surface. These deposits, shaped by complex geological processes, are crucial ...

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