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GEOLOGY HUB Latest Questions

What is the process of ore forming?
What is the process of ore forming?

1 Answer

  1. This answer was edited.

    All the common ore-forming elements are present in magmas and ordinary rocks, in amounts ranging from a few parts per billion to several thousands of parts per million. Selective concentration of one or more ore constituents to form a mineral deposit is achieved by some combination of the following:Read more

    All the common ore-forming elements are present in magmas and ordinary

    rocks, in amounts ranging from a few parts per billion to several thousands of

    parts per million. Selective concentration of one or more ore constituents to

    form a mineral deposit is achieved by some combination of the following:

    1. extraction of the constituents from magmas, rocks, and oceans;
    2. transport of the constituents in a fluid medium from the source region to the site of deposition.
    3. localization of the constituents at certain favorable sites.

    The ore-forming processes may be grouped into the following four broad


    1. Orthomagmatic processes
    2. Sedimentary processes
    3. Metamorphic processes
    4. Hydrothermal processes
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