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GEOLOGY HUB Latest Articles

Geotechnical Engineering

Unlocking the Secrets Beneath the Surface Introduction Geotechnical engineering, a cornerstone of civil engineering, focuses on the properties of earth materials and their interactions with human-made structures. It plays a pivotal role in designing foundations, assessing natural hazards, and ensuring the stability of infrastructure. This article delves into the essence ...

Atterberg Limits: Essential Metrics for Soil Classification and Engineering

Introduction Atterberg Limits are crucial parameters in geotechnical engineering and soil science that characterize the physical state and behavior of fine-grained soils, particularly clays. Developed by Swedish chemist Albert Atterberg in the early 20th century, these limits provide insight into how soil behaves under varying moisture conditions. Understanding Atterberg Limits ...

Cone Penetration Test (CPT)

The Cone Penetration Test (CPT) is a widely used in-situ testing method in geotechnical engineering for determining the geotechnical properties of soils. The CPT provides continuous or semi-continuous data on soil stratigraphy and properties such as soil type, relative density, shear strength, and other parameters relevant to foundation design and ...

Standard Penetration Test

The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is a widely used in-situ testing method to determine the geotechnical properties of subsurface soils. It is primarily used to assess the relative density, strength, and other properties of granular soils, as well as the consistency of some cohesive soils. The SPT provides a measure ...

Piping Effect in Geotechnical Engineering

Introduction Piping is a phenomenon in geotechnical engineering where subsurface erosion occurs, leading to the formation of channels or pipes within soil. This can result in significant structural failures, especially in embankments, dams, and levees. Understanding the causes, effects, and mitigation strategies for piping is crucial for ensuring the stability ...